Monday 27 June 2011


Materials used:
-aluminum bowl and stem
-stainless steel stem extension
-aluminum tape + shrink wrap stem connector
-shrink wrap tubing bubble shrinker seal
-vinyl tubing inhalation hose
-rubber grommets (hose seal and choke hole comfort pad)

Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, this is ma nigga right here. I seriously love this ignant son of a bitch.
Technically, it's not a bong. I actually don't know what the fuck it is.
The bowl sits snugly right on the mouth of the bottle - a perfect fit - and the stem travels down the neck, all the way down to the bottom, as it dangles in the center of the pit. I extend the original stem's reach with some stainless steel tubing, and pop on a shrink wrap tubing seal at the tip. Again, dat tiny bubble technology doing its job so damn well that you need a ludicrously small amount of water to cool perfectly.
And then comes the focal point of this piece of art, THE GOOSE TURNS GREY

Room Stinkability:

1 comment:

  1. What a nice fucking bong, very practical. do you have a video making it?
